First Principles

ADVANCED First Principle 01: Case in point - Tishman Speyer, Latch project: New ventures must entail at least a 10X improvment relative to the status quo.

Results generated: Advanced incubated Latch for Tishman Speyer creating a vastly better tenant experience while massively rewarding them as an investor in Latch, the latter valued at $1.56B in its January 2021 IPO.

ADVANCED First Principle 02: Case in point - SEC Headquarters Project: Correctly assess the self-perform vs. managed service question with a 7+ year horizon.

Results generated: - 1) Prevention of loss due to operational inefficiency; 2) an evergreen security solution that has not been replaced in over fifteen years.

ADVANCED First Principle 03: Case in point - National Harbor Project, a sixteen city block urban mixed-use project: Apply the principle of Occam’s razor: when evaluating various methods, the solution with the lowest complexity is superior unless it can be easily proven otherwise.

Results generated: - 1) Prevention of loss of NOI; 2) an evergreen solution that has not needed to be replaced in over fifteen years.

ADVANCED First Principle 04: Case in point - Constitution Center Project: Know the norms of each region.

Results generated: - Prevention of: 1) loss due to liability exposure;  2) loss due to remedial capital expenditures.

ADVANCED First Principle 05: Case in point - GE Hitachi Project: Break the trap of incremental thinking.

Results generated: Prevention of loss due to competitive disruption in a highly complex and competitive industry.